The Programme

Registration for January’s Joyblockers and How To Get Rid of Them – The Programme has now closed. If you are interested in signing up for the next programme just leave your name and email at Joyblockers and How To Get Rid of Them – The Waitlist and we’ll get back to you once dates are confirmed.

In these post-pandemic times, it’s worryingly easy to find highly capable teachers, headteachers and leaders who are seriously questioning how much longer they can go on. At Partners in Joy, our aspiration is for people across the teaching profession to love their job again. But we’re not naïve. We know that joyblockers like overwhelm, self-sacrifice and toxic productivity can make this seem an impossible dream. 

One course won’t change the system but what if it helped you to focus on the things you can change, empowering you to create more balance in your life and feel good about your work again.

To experience joy in your work, you need to be physically and emotionally well. You need headspace to really reflect and the right people around you to inspire you. You need expert support and resources that will get you thinking and provide you with tools you can use yourself, and with your teams, long after the course is over. Joyblockers and how to get rid of them – The Programme provides all of this.

You’ll be working with us, Partners in Joy, and a group of like-minded educators who are as ready for change as you are. The focus? Getting rid of your personal joyblockers, finding joy in the career you once loved and challenging what needs changing within the system.

Join us and you’ll be

  • part of a vibrant community that supports you with friendly accountability
  • clear on how you can make the shifts to go beyond what’s holding you back 
  • confident and motivated to take the action that works for you to make changes you need.

This session is all about getting to know yourself and each other and the programme. We want you to really look forward to each session, so this is an opportunity to 

  • get to know one another
  • get clear on how the programme works – the content and the process
  • decide your personal focus for the next 10 weeks
  • clarify group guidelines and boundaries
  • understand how to keep connected in between sessions.

Losing the joy in your work and your life usually means losing sight of yourself. Here’s an important opportunity to make friends with yourself again and find ways to enjoy your life more.


  • what really matters to you
  • what gives you energy and depletes your energy 
  • how perceptions (your own and others) impact on your self-belief.

Overwhelm is hands down the number one joyblocker we see when we work with teachers and leaders. It brings a heavy mental and emotional strain. We all need strategies for lightening the load and building confidence to assert our needs.

Together you can clarify and practise

  • asserting the boundaries you need to do your job well
  • negotiating and saying no
  • having pre-prepared requests and responses.

To prevent you getting to the point of feeling ‘I just can’t do this anymore’, you need to establish habits and routines that put your own wellbeing first. But how do you find a place for them within all your other work and personal commitments?

This session explores how to

  • identify practical boundaries that respect your wellbeing
  • be more body aware so that you function well each day in your role
  • top up and maintain energy reserves so you keep well and keep motivated.

Never feel good enough? Are you living according to someone else’s version of what it is to be successful? It’s time to re-evaluate how you measure success by

  • taking a different perspective on the erosive nature of perfectionism
  • creating your own criteria for what is enough and negotiating those criteria with colleagues
  • giving yourself permission to be enough.

Stress and anxiety are endemic in the teaching profession. Managing anxiety and stress involves understanding what they are, how they function and what they do to you. You also need to know how to recover from the impact of stress hormones.

Now you can learn simple strategies for

  • creating your own oxytocin (the love hormone)
  • finding self-compassion practices that work for you
  • becoming your own inner coach.

Leadership courses often endorse being your authentic self at work, yet don’t factor in the extent to which vulnerability is part of being true to yourself. What if the culture you work in views vulnerability as weakness? When people feel awkward showing their vulnerability, how can you create conditions where it’s safe to be vulnerable?

Here you have a rare opportunity to 

  • build your self-worth and confidence to feel valued and respected
  • accept that your needs are OK
  • contribute to creating a culture of safety and support that will encourage change.

If putting your own needs first leaves you feeling selfish then you’re caught in the ‘virtue trap’ and the consequences can be dire. 

In this session we’ll dig deep

  • considering what is in your control that really stops you keeping your wellbeing as a priority
  • facing the reality of prioritising your wellbeing and the consequences
  • facing the moral dilemmas of self-preservation.

When you are worn down, you are more likely to comply with the demands of the system, not least because you don’t have the energy to resist those demands. When you live a joyful life, you do have that energy but the system you are part of may not look favourably on your resistance.

The politics of joy means

  • reclaiming joy in your life
  • using joy to navigate your work and keep your life purposeful
  • actively changing the system from within.

Time to look back on how far you’ve come. Change needs momentum so we’ll take this opportunity create a plan for your next steps including

  • how you’ll maintain the momentum
  • practices that will ensure you keep well and motivated
  • ways to keep feeling joyful about who you are and validated in what you do.

How we work together

We have designed the programme as 10 online sessions running from 19.30 – 21.00 on Mondays. We hope this means you can attend from the comfort of your home and from a space where you won’t be interrupted. The ‘doors’ will open 15 minutes before the start of each session giving you time to check your webcam, audio and mic are all fully functioning.

We believe the most important part of the programme is the opportunity to build a community of support with individuals who are committed to personal and systemic change. This means a significant part of the online sessions will be small breakout groups (3 – 4 people) for meaningful discussions, plus collaborating together as a whole group.

Fruitful discussions happen when individuals feel safe to be open, honest and vulnerable so we will establish a group agreement in the first session that highlights the importance of confidentiality.

The reflection process plays such an important part in personal growth so we ask everyone to use a reflective journal for the duration of the programme. Each session will have some dedicated reflection time. You will be able to record your thoughts and feelings using whatever medium you prefer – notebook, phone, voice notes, sketch pad.

  • There will be a video of the main content for each session for you to watch ahead of the session as the basis for your breakout group discussions.
  • Your reflective journal is an ongoing tool for you to capture your personal development.
  • We will add other short tasks to the prep as necessary.
  • The sessions extend the content of the podcast episodes so listening again to the corresponding episode will provide a unifying starting point for the group.

Each group member joins the secure membership site for the programme and receives a personal log in. Ahead of each session, the details of the pre-work are added to the site and group members receive an email notification for this.

We expect the pre-work to take 30 – 45 minutes to complete.

To make the most of each session, and the programme as a whole, you will benefit from completing all the tasks in advance.

To build the community further, we also offer an opportunity to communicate together outside of the online sessions. For those interested, this will be a WhatsApp or Facebook group. We know connecting in this way can be really helpful to share successes, offer support and keep momentum going. The membership of any group will be optional and we will agree clear guidelines for use before it is opened.

There are 10 sessions lasting 90 minutes with 30 – 45 minutes pre-work so the minimum time commitment is 20 hours.

There is an option to have a coaching session with one of the Siobhan or Maureen. If you opt for this, it would involve an additional hour to your time commitment.

Mondays 19.30 – 21.00

Session 1 : 9th January

Session 2 : 16th January

Session 3 : 23rd January

Session 4 : 6th February

Session 5 : 20th February

Session 6 : 6th March

Session 7 : 20th March

Session 8 : 17th April

Session 9 : 24th April

Session 10 : 8th May

What does it cost?

£500 plus VAT

This introductory offer includes

  • Access to all the programme resources via the membership site
  • Personal development through participating in the 10 sessions
  • Involvement with a collaborative community

The optional one to one coaching session with one of the facilitators is £100 (plus VAT).

Click the link below for a pdf containing key information to share with budget holders.

Joyblockers Programme – Key Information pdf

How to register

To register for the programme, please complete the confidential document at Registration – Joyblockers and how to get rid of them 

Once we have received your registration, we hope to secure your place and will email you to confirm and share the programme contract within 2 – 3 working days. 

Payment process

You will receive an invoice with bank transfer details so that payment can be made before the start of the programme.

If, in the current circumstances, an upfront payment is not possible for you, please acknowledge this in the registration form and we will contact you regarding a payment plan.

If you have any other questions, you can contact us on [email protected]